The Final Word

First Base (a game of solitaire)


How to Play: (1 player) Spell a word from cards in hand.

Take the last letter of the word spelled and place it either before or on top of the first letter of the word. By using any combination of the permitted moves (add, overlay, duplicate), use the cards in hand and visible cards on board without changing their relative position to create a new word.

By choosing whether to place the last letter of the word on the board on or before the first letter allows the player to control the length of the words as needed. Placing the last letter on top of the first letter can shorten the next word played.

The object is to use all the cards in the deck and finish with a word.


Take 10 (2-6 players)


How to Play: (2-6 players) Player 1 spells a word from cards in hand.

The following players must change the word using one or more of the permitted moves.

Each player receives the total score from visible word created during their turn.

If a player achieves a word that is 10 letters long or more, that player receives total visible score, removes the cards and can start a new word from cards remaining in hand and receive an additional score.

If any player cannot change the word during their turn, they may pass or opt to remove the visible word and start a new word. The penalty is the total points of (previous) removed word subtracted from active player's new word score.


Break Up (2-6 players)


How to Play: (2-6 players) Player 1 spells a word from hand.

Each following player must "break up" the word played and complete 2 words using the permitted move (add/insert).

Break up the word on the board at any point. As long as both new words are a minimum of 4 letters, the active player chooses which word will account for his points and removes that word from the board.

The following players continue with the remaining word on the board.

If during a player’s turn, one of the new words created is only 3 letters long, the active player will only get points for lowest scoring word and the next player will get the other points and can begin a new word from the cards in hand.

Game ends when cards in deck are depleted and one player uses all cards in hand. Cards left in hand are subtracted from players’ totals. High score wins.

3 'n Change (2-6 players)
  Profit & Loss (2 players)   Seeing Red (2-6 players)

Rules [PDF]

For questions or comments, contact: Faye Klein